Mall Darya
Mall Darya
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
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26 בתוך 5 ק"מ
8 בתוך 10 ק"מ
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256 חוות דעת
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2 שיתופים
ספט׳ 2019
Love it really nice many variety and very friendly. Very good prices and excellent quality. I highly recommend for everyone visiting Sharm.
Written 7 בינואר 2020
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Grand Mall
שרם אל שייך, מצרים11 שיתופים
משפחה • פבר׳ 2019
that is one from our shops we have in our mall
we wish to all enjoy in our lovely mall
we welcome to all and sooner more shops will up-loud here
we wish to all enjoy in our lovely mall
we welcome to all and sooner more shops will up-loud here
Written 24 בפברואר 2019
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
מולדובה4 שיתופים
חברים • אוק׳ 2024
The shop is clean - that's the most important thing. You can find everything you need. Starting with things, suitcases and all sorts of delicious things! Prices are reasonable. Things are clean, compared to other stores.
Written 22 באוקטובר 2024
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
27 שיתופים
משפחה • אוק׳ 2024
The store is good. The transfer arrived on time. Employees met about the goods and prices. Treated with various types of tea, mangoes and sweets. There's a little less product than George Clooney but it's better quality and cheaper. There's a cheap pharmacy. Took Daria on a quad bike ride. Arafats and sunscreen were given to the trip.
Written 13 באוקטובר 2024
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Анастасия М
7 שיתופים
זוגות • ספט׳ 2024
Not a foot!
Guys, this is such a bottom!
Daria is not a mall. 3 glass shops are in some semi-derelict building. For the shoot, apparently everything there was washed, no more (probably some kind of contract with the type of bloggers) Toilet is scary, under the feet of boxes, dust, the children of the employees screaming and running.
Prices are the same as in Naama Bay. Don't waste your time on this horror and nightmare even with a free transfer. You'll still be in the spirit of waiting for everyone else to Shopping to get back. Take a cab through the Indriver app.
Guys, this is such a bottom!
Daria is not a mall. 3 glass shops are in some semi-derelict building. For the shoot, apparently everything there was washed, no more (probably some kind of contract with the type of bloggers) Toilet is scary, under the feet of boxes, dust, the children of the employees screaming and running.
Prices are the same as in Naama Bay. Don't waste your time on this horror and nightmare even with a free transfer. You'll still be in the spirit of waiting for everyone else to Shopping to get back. Take a cab through the Indriver app.
Written 23 בספטמבר 2024
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Константин К
2 שיתופים
זוגות • ספט׳ 2024
Great store, if you do a lot of shopping then the price gets smaller and smaller on the next items. If you want to buy everything in one place - Daria is a great option. In regular shops, the price is 2-3 times higher and you have to bargain to even get a little closer to Daria's price, even after bargaining it will still be more expensive. After shopping they make some gift, when meeting treat mangoes, cold tea and hookah)
Written 8 בספטמבר 2024
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Elena G
אליקנטה, ספרד10 שיתופים
חברים • אוג׳ 2024
High prices made up from the ceiling....Yesterday bought souvenirs for one price...and today on the same products already others are 2-3$ more expensive!!!Recommend going to George Clooney there and the selection is bigger and the prices are fixed,and is near .Not recommending Daria's store...maybe it used to be good as bloggers it is not the place....Too bad.we had the illusion to visit this store ,but alas...only disappointments.
Written 4 בספטמבר 2024
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Марина Ф
15 שיתופים
חברים • מאי 2024
Read reviews on the Internet ,apparently customized ))) or I don't know what to be excited about .From the beginning everything went wrong , wrote in a telegram to Miché , that we want to visit the store .To us he replied that the car will be at 5.40 pm we prepared ,waited and here we are told that the car will be at 7.40 pm. I had to go change and at the sea.At 19.40 arrived the car ,stopped near the Fairuz hotel,somehow we found it .On the way we stopped at two more hotels for tourists wanting to visit this store .Arrived at the store , well what to say about the store itself I did not like, will I come again to it definitely no .Although we shopped ,took my husband bag bargained for 14 dollars ,eventually in naama bey the same guy sold for 7 bucks but the color of another .Tea they pour in the store did not like ,too sweet , no gifts as some did not give us , the only norm seller Kamil here thank him ,norm communicated with me .In general do not waste your precious time on this store .
Written 24 ביוני 2024
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Boris S
קזאן, רוסיה3 שיתופים
משפחה • אפר׳ 2024
Ramos met us; he has no particular complaints, but he could have taken us to the transfer back. And so it turns out that everything has been bought and goodbye. We didn’t compare prices, we came from a video review from a “blogger” and were disappointed, the products are the same as everywhere else and they are trying to sell them like everywhere else. In the pharmacy, which is part of the shopping center, the “doctor” can barely drag himself in Russian and instead of an antibacterial product he sold for allergies. There is no Internet there, so we could only check it at the hotel.
Attention! The staff of the store itself behaves extremely frivolously with female customers.
Attention! The staff of the store itself behaves extremely frivolously with female customers.
Written 29 במאי 2024
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Эллина Э
שיתוף 1
חברים • אפר׳ 2024
Thank you very much to the Daria shopping center, the service is wonderful, free transfer in both directions. The store has an excellent selection! The prices are great! We were treated to delicious tea and sweets, and a hookah was made for those who wished. They provide excursions much cheaper than a guide. And the most important thing is that they don’t impose anything, that was important for us! We bought masks, corrals, covers, T-shirts, sweets, cosmetics, oils, a suitcase and a lot of other things necessary for a holiday in Egypt. They offer discounts, great deals on sets, and small gifts at the end! number
Misha +201285625069 We are very glad that we contacted Misha, the owner of this store. We will definitely return to this store in 3 months!
Misha +201285625069 We are very glad that we contacted Misha, the owner of this store. We will definitely return to this store in 3 months!
Written 14 במאי 2024
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
добрій день. Интересует поездка в Каир на 3 человек : цена и как долго длится ?
נכתבה בתאריך 13 בספטמבר 2019
Добрый вечер!Мы из шарма в каир не ездили,Да и смысла нет туда трястись ехать 6-10 часов ,вы потеряете целый день отдыха ,по цене не помню,ну что то около 120долларов на 3 вроде и+ 25 с человека за визу ,наслажайтесь отдыхом в шарме ,поверьте ,в каире делать нечего,а из за пирамиид ,ну если думаете что чудо света стоит посмотреть... ваше дело.
נכתבה בתאריך 18 בספטמבר 2019
Доброго времени суток! Какой вид одежды там можно приобрести? Меня интересует детская
נכתבה בתאריך 19 ביולי 2019
Здравствуйте. Мы брали внучек футболки, туники, шлепанцы резиновые, панамку, бейсболку, коралки, маску и ласты для плавания. В общем можно всё для пляжа приобрести, включая рюкзак или пляжную сумку
נכתבה בתאריך 20 ביולי 2019
Подскажите время работы? И можно ли связаться с вами по вайберу? Спасибо!
נכתבה בתאריך 7 בפברואר 2019
מציג 1-6 תוצאות מתוך 6
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