Icebar Iguazú
Icebar Iguazú
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Nicholas N
אריאל דו קאבו, RJ75 שיתופים
לבד • אוג׳ 2018
You don't get to feel the cold, as other people said. Well, at least until you grab one of those ice glasses.
It's fun for the experience, but I don't recommend more than 15 minutes. It gets really boring.
It's fun for the experience, but I don't recommend more than 15 minutes. It gets really boring.
Written 25 בספטמבר 2018
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
אוסטין, טקסס372 שיתופים
זוגות • יוני 2018
I've always wanted to try an ice bar, and saw the billboard on the way to Iguazu Falls so decided to try it out the evening after visiting the park. We loved it! You only get 30 minutes but it's such a cool experience! The ticket cost (300 pesos I believe, $12USD) includes free drinks in a cup made out of ice, though they're weak and sugary. Of course after I left a big tip then they got much stronger so just factor that into the price.
The actual ice room is pretty small, but they have some ice sculptures and play rally fun dance pop music. You can take all the photos you want, but they also have a professional photographer that takes photos you can buy after (I think it was 150 pesos, but I took advantage of the open bar so not sure).
If you've ever wanted to try an ice bar then I highly recommend it. I'm really glad we went and it's FAR cheaper than the other ice bars I've seen!
The actual ice room is pretty small, but they have some ice sculptures and play rally fun dance pop music. You can take all the photos you want, but they also have a professional photographer that takes photos you can buy after (I think it was 150 pesos, but I took advantage of the open bar so not sure).
If you've ever wanted to try an ice bar then I highly recommend it. I'm really glad we went and it's FAR cheaper than the other ice bars I've seen!
Written 25 ביוני 2018
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
לידס, UK169 שיתופים
חברים • מאי 2018
It was a cool experience as never been to an ice bar. They provided a warm coat and gloves. And also it was AN OPEN BAR! And very yummy drinks!
However we were allocated only 30 minutes in the bar which flew by as they played awesome music! Unsure why was only 30 minutes. Perhaps because it was very cold. Would like to have stayed for a little while longer!
However we were allocated only 30 minutes in the bar which flew by as they played awesome music! Unsure why was only 30 minutes. Perhaps because it was very cold. Would like to have stayed for a little while longer!
Written 20 במאי 2018
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Cathy W
ברנדון, פלורידה183 שיתופים
זוגות • ינו׳ 2018
One of the highlights of our trip to Iguazu was this “ cool”ice bar! You are in the Ice Bar with an open bar and wonderful ice sculptures, cups created from ice and warm jackets. Great for photos, fun and a unique experience in the middle of the tropical rain forest.
Written 24 בפברואר 2018
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
מינסוטה65 שיתופים
חברים • יולי 2017
Full disclosure: I come from a very cold Northern US state, so to go to an Ice Bar in the middle of a rainforest was a trifle absurd... but also so much fun! I went with my siblings, and we got such a kick out of being surrounded by Argentines and Brazilians geeking out of the ice snowman and being in parkas.
You pay 300 pesos/person, and you get a half hour experience, including unlimited (pre-mixed) drinks. The drinks come in ice tumblers, which admittedly is very fun. The drinks were pretty sugary, but they worked. All instructions were in Spanish, so know that before you go. Also no credit card payment accepted.
You pay 300 pesos/person, and you get a half hour experience, including unlimited (pre-mixed) drinks. The drinks come in ice tumblers, which admittedly is very fun. The drinks were pretty sugary, but they worked. All instructions were in Spanish, so know that before you go. Also no credit card payment accepted.
Written 21 ביולי 2017
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Soan Cattani Monte
סנטארם, PA15 שיתופים
חברים • מאי 2017
Considering you only spend 30 minutes inside, you better enjoy the open bar as much as you can to have the best time you can get. The ambient is not big and you run out of what to do pretty quickly. That's why you should enjoy the open bar, haha. The temperature is not uncomfortable as they provide warm clothes for you. Just chose wisely and smell your clothes before wearing. But if you're hanging around, I would recomend you. As it is open bar, you'll get out pretty chilled. But hey, drive safe!
Written 20 ביולי 2017
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
בורנמות', UK45 שיתופים
משפחה • יוני 2017
Loved the experience, the drinks were delicious and they made sure they played a few brazilian tunes! 30 minutes do pass very quickly, so make sure you can taste as many drinks as possible, as the bar gets very crowded.
Written 28 ביוני 2017
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Thokozani M
יוהנסבורג, דרום אפריקה276 שיתופים
זוגות • מאי 2017
This is really worth do when in Puerto Iguaçu. The entrance fee is R$60 and you get free drinks for the time when in the ice bar. The bar is at -10 oC, you're given jackets before going in and only allowed to stay 30 minutes. The coolest thing has to be drinking the drinks from the ice cups (cups made purely of ice).
Written 23 במאי 2017
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
סנטוריון, דרום אפריקה357 שיתופים
חברים • פבר׳ 2017
This was such a fun experience and a blessing to escape the extreme heat into a -10° Celcius surrounding. The experience lasts 30 minutes, the drinks was free, served in an ice glass and the music very lively! Would not have mind to stay a bit longer. They also offer photographic services, should you want a nice bright photo memory to take home. This should definitely be included to your travel itinery.
Written 5 במאי 2017
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Emanuel S
12 שיתופים
זוגות • פבר׳ 2017
They only give you a jacket so be aware to wear jeans and snickers. When you are inside the bar you have almost 40 minutes to drink whatever you want in ice glasses. I recommend you to drink their custom drinks because they are great!
For the price you pay is a really good choice to try out.
For the price you pay is a really good choice to try out.
Written 10 בפברואר 2017
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Giu L
מאר דל פלאטה, ארגנטינה
Hola, saben si al bar de hielo de puerto iguaxu puedo ingresar con una nena de 1 año, gracias
נכתבה בתאריך 11 באפריל 2023
Hola! Se puede ir con una bebe de 10 meses?
נכתבה בתאריך 22 בספטמבר 2021
Como chega no icebar indo das catarata argentinas?
Cómo puedo llegar al ice bar saliendo de las cataratas? Leí que el bus que te lleva a las cataratas pasa en frente, es así? Gracias.
נכתבה בתאריך 6 בנובמבר 2019
Existe desde mínima para entrar no bar de gelo? Mãe com criança de menos de 2 anos pode entrar com a criança?
נכתבה בתאריך 11 באוקטובר 2019
Não vi nenhuma recomendação quanto a isso, mais só vi criança a partir de 4 anos, mas no entanto seria prudente quem tem renite alérgica e criança não demorar muito la dentro, pois demorei mais de 20 minutos e fiquei mal no outro dia...
נכתבה בתאריך 8 בנובמבר 2019
Olá pessoal! Estou vendo alguns comentários falando que é possível ir de Uber. Mas pelo que soube, Uber não atravessa a aduana, somente táxi. É isso mesmo?
נכתבה בתאריך 10 בספטמבר 2019
Uber não atravessa fronteira, o ideal é alugar um carro e conhecer as atrações de Puerto Iguazu ou ir de van, outra alternativa é o icebar do Dreamland em Foz do Iguaçu, afinal dura 30 minutos.
נכתבה בתאריך 12 בספטמבר 2019
Vou andar de taxi em Puerto Iguazu, qual empresa vocês recomendam ?
נכתבה בתאריך 26 ביולי 2019
Não andamos de táxi por lá. Mas é muito comum e não é caro. Segundo me informaram no hotel, também bastante seguro. Então qqer empresa deva ser recomendável.
נכתבה בתאריך 26 ביולי 2019
Hola! el lugar da para ir con niños? Gracias
נכתבה בתאריך 23 ביולי 2019
Para ir de foz para o ace bar Iguazu tem como ir de transporte público ou taxi sabem a média de valor da passagem?
נכתבה בתאריך 7 ביוני 2019
Acreditamos que a melhor opção, seria uber, a depender do horário, vai gastar de 20 a 30 reais.
נכתבה בתאריך 8 ביוני 2019
Qual Icebar dos 3, em Foz do Iguaçu e Puerto Iguazu, é o melhor? Pois gostaria de visitar apenas 1... mas não sei qual... as esculturas de gelo são diferentes em cada bar? Obrigado!
נכתבה בתאריך 18 באוקטובר 2018
Não recomendo o Ice Bar do DreamLand, bebidas ruins, copo de plástico, luvas finas, iluminação ruim
Recomendo o de Puerto Iguazu!
Não fui ao do shopping
Sim são 3 Icebar
נכתבה בתאריך 28 בנובמבר 2018
מציג 1-10 תוצאות מתוך 56
*אטרקציות שעומדות לאזול בקרוב: בהתבסס על נתוני ההזמנות של Viator והמידע שקיבלנו מהספק ב-30 הימים האחרונים, מספר ההזמנות הזמין לחוויה זו כנראה יאזל בהזמנה דרך Viator, חברה של Tripadvisor.
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