Dana Nature Reserve
Dana Nature Reserve
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ליצור קשר ישירות
הוספת תוכן
301 חוות דעת
טוב מאוד
Eyal A
4 שיתופים
משפחה • אוק׳ 2016
מעיינות בוסתנים ונופים יוצאי דופן.
מגוון מסלולים שיכולים להתאים לקהלים שונים.
אנחנו ירדנו למעיין שנמצא מתחת לכפר - בערך שעתיים הליכה ומשם עלינו בעזרת חמור שעליו רכבנו. כיף :)
מגוון מסלולים שיכולים להתאים לקהלים שונים.
אנחנו ירדנו למעיין שנמצא מתחת לכפר - בערך שעתיים הליכה ומשם עלינו בעזרת חמור שעליו רכבנו. כיף :)
Written 1 בנובמבר 2016
חוות דעת זו היא דעתו הסובייקטיבית של חבר Tripadvisor ולא של Tripadvisor LLC. חברת Tripadvisor בודקת את חוות דעת.
Hello. My daughter and I are planning to arrive in Dana in the evening, sleep and do the hike the Wadi Ghuweir hike the day after, to then move to Petra.
Any suggestion on accommodation for the night before (ideally close to the start of the trail) and then transport to Petra afterwards. We have no car :) Thanks a lot!!!
נכתבה בתאריך 13 במרץ 2024
Hi we are walking from Dana to Petra with intrepid. What specific shoes do you recommend buying? Under £50-70?
נכתבה בתאריך 22 במרץ 2022
Ciao, metà febbraio come è la temperatura a Dana? È fattibile arrivare in auto?
נכתבה בתאריך 8 בינואר 2020
Ciao a tutti! Ho letto che il Wadi Dana Trail è lungo circa 14 km (5-7 ore di cammino). Ma una volta arrivati a Feynan come si torna indietro? Bisogna rifare i 14 km a piedi? Grazie
נכתבה בתאריך 21 בינואר 2019
Bongiorno Alice; you either have to sleep in the Feynan guesthouse, and walk back the second day; or you book a guided tour, and have a puck up with a car, the way back by car takes about 1,5 hour.
Have a Nice trip!
נכתבה בתאריך 7 בפברואר 2019
Ciao, ma è vero che per fare un tour nella Riserva bisogna prenotare in anticipo? O basta andare al centro visitatori per riuscire a organizzare un percorso?
נכתבה בתאריך 22 באוקטובר 2018
Ciao , il tour in Giordania l'abbiamo prenotato dall'Italia tramite il tour operator NBTS ( che ha fornito un servizio ottimo ed estremamente professionale ) in cui era incluso il tour nella riserva di DANA . Il tour parte dal guesthouse della riserva e arriva al Feynan ecolodge : sono circa 6 ore di camminata in discesa però portatevi scarponi e racchette .
buon cammino
PS: a Petra evitate il "Petra by night " : soo soldi buttati ! Invece vi consiglierei il trekking "Petra via segreta AL DEIR" circa 6 ore sulle montagne attorno a Petra con vista della valle dall'alto.
נכתבה בתאריך 24 באוקטובר 2018
Hy, I would like to know if it is possible to reach the reserve from Amman with public transportation.
נכתבה בתאריך 6 בספטמבר 2018
Hi Cecilia,
I don't think so, but I'm not 100% certain. I'd post this question to the larger community on the Jordan forum.
I am going via the King's Highway, and taking that road with a driver. If you want his info, I'm happy to share it. I've been communicating with him via What's App; he's absolutely wonderful.
When will you be in Jordan, or are you there now?
נכתבה בתאריך 6 בספטמבר 2018
Hi there,
I'm visiting Jordan the very end of September, planning to stay one night and two days in Amman (visit Jerash and areas around Jerash for a day, one day in the city), then I want to head to Dana Reserve late the second day, arrive before the sun sets.
I'm wondering how I can get to the Reserve without a car, and without taking a bus. Is there someone who could pick me up in Amman to take me there?!
Thank you! Brianne (woman, traveling solo).
נכתבה בתאריך 6 באוגוסט 2018
Hi Brianne! A friend and I recently visited Jordan and we met this kind and respectful driver who took us to the Dead Sea and to Dana the next day. He even gave us a wonderful price, it was half of our what our hotel was offering us. He brought us safe to Dana and he was friendly enough to stop us to some of the most scenic views along the way. His name is Hassan and his whatsapp number is 00962795552302.
נכתבה בתאריך 7 באוגוסט 2018
Hello, we are going to Dana in August and want to stay in Rummana camp. Do we need to book a tent in advance? How can we get from there to Petra? Are there any busus? or only taxi? Thank you for your reply.
נכתבה בתאריך 10 ביולי 2018
Surely are busów but probably not direct .meet check when on petra .August not hot season so no booking its ok .but sometimes online yoi xan get better price .
נכתבה בתאריך 4 באוגוסט 2018
Hello,I'd like to know if theare are public transports from Amman to Dana reserve, roughly the price and if it is necessary the guide to do the trail to Petra.
Thanks for your help:)
נכתבה בתאריך 19 ביוני 2018
מציג 1-10 תוצאות מתוך 23
*אטרקציות שעומדות לאזול בקרוב: בהתבסס על נתוני ההזמנות של Viator והמידע שקיבלנו מהספק ב-30 הימים האחרונים, מספר ההזמנות הזמין לחוויה זו כנראה יאזל בהזמנה דרך Viator, חברה של Tripadvisor.
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